Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Smarty error on installing

posts: 2

Please, I need your help!!

When I point to my URL/tiki-install.php I get this error:

Warning: Smarty error: problem writing 'templates_c//en/%%-58/%%-584454252/tiki.tpl.php.' in /var/www/tiki/Smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 999
Warning: unable to create file templates_c//en/%%-58/%%-584454252/tiki.tpl.php because No such file or directory in /mnt/host-users/f/r/a/fray/tiki/Smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1531

The permissions of folder templates_c are 777.

Does anyone know how to solve it?

posts: 224 Ireland

What are the permissions on the sub-folder en? Try to do a chmod 777 on all files/directories under 'templates_c'.



posts: 2

Tnx but templates_c is an empty folder...
It seems that tiki has no right to create sub-folders
so I turned off the use_sub_dirs variable in Smary.class.php
and it works!

posts: 5

I want to add that I've tried chmod 777 en, but that doens't help (en was alreayd 777, I think).

I also tried chmod'ing a subfolder that is created in teh en folder, but that only led to another subfolder which had the same problem.

I know that my setup.sh script didn't work perfectly: but that's (I think) only because I don't have uname and cut in my shell... but I can see that part of the script is relevant only under CYGWIN anyway.

If no other ideas appear in this thread, I'll try the use_sub_dirs idea that in mentioned here.

posts: 5

I managed to get past the Smarty errors doing exactly what was mentioned in the othe post (ie disable use_sub_dirs ... I had doubted that — but it was only due to ignorance. Here's the relevant section from the Smary.class.php file in the Smarty folder:

* This tells Smarty whether or not to use sub dirs in the cache/ and
* templates_c/ directories. sub directories better organized, but
* may not work well with PHP safe mode enabled.
* @var boolean
var $use_sub_dirs = false;