syntax error in query Posted by maniek 05 Mar 2005 11:30 GMT-0000 posts: 2 Hi, I have an error with db: Warning: MYSQL error: DB Error: syntax error in query: select permName,type,level,permDesc from users_permissions order by permName desc limit 0,-1 in /da/lib/tikilib.php on line 101 I don't know what can I do 😑:(
Posted by Damian Parker 05 Mar 2005 19:10 GMT-0000 posts: 2881 Most likely because you are using mySQL 4.1 and 4.1 does not support limit -1. There is currently no official fix, but the word in general is to substitude the -1 for a very large number. It requires a hacking ability to PHP and TikiWiki sourcecode. You can search on for the list of all the differences between 4.1 and 4.0 Damian