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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

error message - please help!

posts: 4 Brazil

after uploading my tiki to a new server i'm getting the followig error message:

Warning: refresh_search_index() function.refresh-search-index: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(lib/pear/refresh-functions.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (...) in .../lib/search/refresh.php on line 13

Warning: refresh_search_index(refresh-functions.php) function.refresh-search-index: failed to create stream: Operation not permitted in .../lib/search/refresh.php on line 13

Fatal error: refresh_search_index() function.refresh-search-index: Failed opening required 'refresh-functions.php' (include_path='lib/pear:lib/adodb:lib/pear:lib:.:/usr/share/php') in .../lib/search/refresh.php on line 13

"..." stands for my root directory.

although it's annoying, everything seems to be working fine...

anyone knows how to fix this error?

thanks in advance,
- gustavo.

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