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Features / Usability

Question about the split function and how it is displaying content

posts: 79 United States


I am having a problem displaying content correctly with the split plugin. I have a menu being displayed on the left side of the screen and then on the right I have a div with a background color and within that div I have some content but I would like to put a picture inside the div and when I try to put the image inside that right side Tiki automatically pushes the conent down the page. Whitespace replaces the content at the top of the page.

If someone can help with htis problem that would be great.


posts: 2432 Czech Republic


any link to see the source ?

> hello,
> I am having a problem displaying content correctly with the split plugin. I have a menu being displayed on the left side of the screen and then on the right I have a div with a background color and within that div I have some content but I would like to put a picture inside the div and when I try to put the image inside that right side Tiki automatically pushes the conent down the page. Whitespace replaces the content at the top of the page.
> If someone can help with htis problem that would be great.
> Thankyou