Aw: Re: Re: 1.8 -> 1.9 upgrade
> I had the exact same problem when trying to upgrade from 1.8.5 to 1.9DR4. I only have ftp access to my web host, so it is a little tricky for me. I got the database upgraded with only a couple of problems. I set the directory attributes per the instructions for install TikiWiki with ftp. Then, I went to the tiki-install.php and the screen is blank. I blew away the database and tried again. Still a blank screen. I then tried to restore my back up, but that wasn't successful. I then re-installed 1.8.5 and started over.
> I really want to upgrage to 1.9.0 because I want the logo and the improbed phplayers. I will try again later.
The Developer Releases had a problem with the .htaccess files. Some apaches did not allow the directves that were in .htaccess. But they are no more in final release. Other problems possible too ...