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Architecture / Installation

/tmp question

posts: 46 Norway

I'm running tw on 1.8.5 (have been for a while) and the server admin has had to prevent php writing to the /tmp file. Obviously my intallations have stopped working. Firstly I am confused to what instructions I should be following. I have been reading about the Open Basedir tweaks and the installing under safemode on http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=InstallTikiUnderSafeMode. (hopefully this info is not dated).Do I just add the lines:



to the various files listed? What concerns me is that one of the files listed is tiki-install.php - however I deleted that file when I first installed. Do I have to upload them again? ...and will it interfere with my installation - I'm thinking not but I need to ask 😕

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