Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: How to move a category within a link directory?

posts: 4656 Japan

> Hello friends,
> I've the following problem. I've structured a quite large link directory now, and I want to restructure it.

I think you will have to make the changes directly in your Tiki's database, in the tiki_directory_categories table. Each category has a categId and a parent. The top-level category ("Top") is categId=0, and its children have parent=0. I guess your current category A has categId=0, and your B,C,D, and E categories have parent=0.

You can easily edit the table (assuming you have access with phpMyAdmin or something) to alter the child categories as necessary. You could either make your new B category via Tiki's interface and then adjust it by editing it in the table, or you could make it by adding a new row directly in the table. And then the parent IDs of the child categories would be adjusted in the table.

One possible problem is that it doesn't appear to be possible to have two top-level categories. It seems your new A and B categories will have to be children of the "Top" category, which is categId=0.

-- Gary

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