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Architecture / Installation

Re: Tiki 1.9.1 fresh install ftp only?

posts: 84 Singapore

Hi, steflo,

To quote Damian's answer to my query earlier (I think this should work with ftp too because I followed the instructions for ftp when installing my Tiki):

"You simply :

1) Backup
2) Upload/extract new 1.9.1 code
3) browse to (and run) tiki-install.php
4) login as admin (enter the db name, etc. in the form)
5) Choose the 1.8 to 1.9 upgrade script (and click Upgrade)
6) remove tiki-install.php
7) Have a cuppa tea and relax

Easy 😊

So easy in fact Ill put the kettle on now in readyness 😊 "

Yes, someone should update the docs — I'm a little uncertain as to how though. Should there be separate sections - like in the installation instructions page?


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