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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: Re: PHP Error - Tiki 1.9.2 on PHP 4.4

posts: 15 Canada

> I thought it was fixed in 1.9.2
> What lines do you have in adodb/adodb.inc.php line 2796 2797:

$false = false; > return $false;


Hi Sylvie,

line 2797 in the adodb/abodb.inc.php file of my Tiki 1.9.2 installation conatins this:


Also, when I try to logout I get the same error along with these ones and the page does not load properly:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/ntcfyyaa/public_html/etsnew/lib/adodb/adodb.inc.php:2797) in /home/ntcfyyaa/public_html/etsnew/tiki-logout.php on line 24

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/ntcfyyaa/public_html/etsnew/lib/adodb/adodb.inc.php:2797) in /home/ntcfyyaa/public_html/etsnew/tiki-logout.php on line 48


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