Features / Usability

Features / Usability

How to Export a Twiki to a New Host

posts: 63

Can someone lay out the steps needed to export an existing TWiki hosted site and then import it into another host running TWiki? I noticed a "dump" and an "export" link in Admin/Wiki, but I'm not sure if that's what I need to do. I do not have shell access with the hosted account.


posts: 3665 United States

Piece of cake. I've done it twice now with nothing more than FTP access. Here's how:

First, you'll need to move the database:

  1. Export a dump of your database. Use your DB Admin screen — not the Tiki backup function.
  2. Create the new DB on your new host, and import the dump (created in step 1).

Now you need to move the Tiki files:

  1. Download all the files in your /tiki directory from the old host
  2. FTP all the files to your new host.
  3. Set the permissions for the directories on the new host as indicated in the setperms.sh file.

Finally, reset your db connection for the new site.

  1. Go to yournewsite/tiki-install.php\
  2. Reset your db connection information.
  3. Do NOT install the DB, simply enter the site.



> Can someone lay out the steps needed to export an existing TWiki hosted site and then import it into another host running TWiki? I noticed a "dump" and an "export" link in Admin/Wiki, but I'm not sure if that's what I need to do. I do not have shell access with the hosted account.
> Tim