

Creating New Pages

Ok, this one may be really stupid. But....how do i create my own page that i can put on the menu. That it doesn't get rid of the menus, or any of the functions that i have on the main page?question

And, when i try to import a page, i get this error

"The XML page cannot be displayed
Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.


Only one top level element is allowed in an XML document. Error processing resource '

<b>Notice</b>: Undefined index: type in <b>c:\program files\easyphp\www\tiki\tiki-editpage.php</b>..."

Any ideas on that.

And my last question, is there anyway i can download different theme's, or even create my own Theme?



> Ok, this one may be really stupid. But....how do i create my own page that i can put on the menu. That it doesn't get rid of the menus, or any of the functions that i have on the main page?question

What do you mean by "page"? Do you mean a wiki page? I think this needs to be clarified first. As for the menu, go to Admin > Menus (tiki-admin_menus.php) to edit a menu. Maybe first check Admin > Modules to verify which menu you are using, if you're not sure.

> And, when i try to import a page, i get this error
> Any ideas on that.

Not sure off hand.

> And my last question, is there anyway i can download different theme's, or even create my own Theme?

Yes. See themes.tw.o. You can search tikiwiki.org for relevant info, but this info will also be migrated to the themes site and updated soon.

-- Gary - zukakakina.com

> Ok, this one may be really stupid. But....how do i create my own page that i can put on the menu. That it doesn't get rid of the menus, or any of the functions that i have on the main page?question
you can take away the modules in admin->modules as Gary said and top/bottom bar, left/right column in admin->features.
On a page, you can get rid of a couple of bottom either by desactiving the feature (admin->features or admin-> wiki) either by chaging the template as Gary saud

> And, when i try to import a page, i get this error
It is probably a bug. If you can attach the file you wanted to import we can find out, I think


Well, lets say that i want to add a page to say whatever i want. "This is where you can go to download my software" and then have links to that particular software. I can edit the home page, and the menu to not have "Last Changes" or "Dump" But where the "Last Changes" section is, i want to change that to "Software" and have in that page my own content.

> Well, lets say that i want to add a page to say whatever i want. "This is where you can go to download my software" and then have links to that particular software. I can edit the home page, and the menu to not have "Last Changes" or "Dump" But where the "Last Changes" section is, i want to change that to "Software" and have in that page my own content.

So you want to change the menu? Like I said, go to Admin > Menus (tiki-admin_menus.php). Click on the menu that your site is using (if more than one is listed), find the item you want to change — Last Changes or whatever — and edit it. Follow the pattern of the other menu items to see what information to input when making the new menu item. To be sure which menu the site is currently using, you can check Admin > Modules to see what modules are being used. The module containing the current menu will indicate the menu ID.

-- Gary - zukakakina.com