Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: After reading all these messages - still blank page after installation

posts: 3665 United States

Are you using the MySQLi extension? I think it is required for MySQL5+. See the docs for details.



> My configuration:
> - Windows 2000
> - Apache 2.2.3
> - MySQL 5.0.27
> - PHP 5.2.0
> - Tikiwiki 1.9.6
> I installed everything, create the database user and database, and when I hit http://localhost/tikiwiki-1.9.6/tiki-install.php and submit the database configuration values, I get a blank page and no error anywhere.
> Php.ini is patched as recommended, everybody has full access to the temp directory, what else is there to do? It seems that for the at least 3 years and several major releases people have been running into this, based on postings on this site. But I did not find a solution that worked.
> I already wasted 2 days. Can anybody recommend another Wiki that can be installed smoothly?

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