arrange articles vertically in two columns on start page?
i am trying to arrange the “articles-teasers??? vertically in two columns on the startpage (embedded via {ARTICLES})
this means that i want text of the heading to appear BELOW the picture (it ususally appears RIGHT of the image)
i imagine this would be possible if i fiddle with some templates (and CSS)...
so – before i start destroying my layouts - i ask you, wise sages of tiki:
has this has been done (or tried) before in tiki?
are there any (ex)samples i could start with / examine?
(i checked thmemes.tiki found nothing – and also assume that this question rather belongs here, right?)
is there a way to have a choice between “normal??? display of the article-header AND the vertical alternative (maybe if i configure just one “type??? of article?)
from your expertise with the (...err... sometimes a little bit stubborn) middle column...
what would the best way to define two columns of equal width in the main column?
(without tearing the site apart)
a) normal table in tiki-syntax?
b) Split Plugin?
c) Fancy Table?
d) good old html tables?
thank you very much for any hints.