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Features / Usability

FCKEditor and TikiWiki

posts: 1

I am trying to integrate FCKEditor or TinyMCE into my TIkiWiki page. It seems everytime I try to insert the JS code it generates an error:

PHP Fatal error: Smarty error: in header.tpl line 136: syntax error: unrecognized tag 'mode' (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 583) in E:\cherokeeihs\TWiki\tikiwiki-1.9.5\lib\smarty\libs\Smarty.class.php on line 1095

I dont know whats going on but hopefully someone can point me in the right direction for some better instructions. I have TikiWIki 1.9.5, FCKEditor 2.3.2, and TinyMCE 2.0.8.


I have figured out the problem. I forgot the {Literal} {/Literal} tags around the braces. Therefore it though that I was using PHP code where I wasnt.

posts: 9309 Germany

Hi there,

if you can wait for tiki 1.10 ... there the full FCKEditor integration is ongoing. 😊

posts: 41

> Hi there,
> if you can wait for tiki 1.10 ... there the full FCKEditor integration is ongoing. 😊

When is 1.10 getting released ? is there anywhere to see a full road map for things coming up?

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

> > Hi there,
> >
> > if you can wait for tiki 1.10 ... there the full FCKEditor integration is ongoing. 😊
> When is 1.10 getting released ? is there anywhere to see a full road map for things coming up?

Nothing is sure (no fixed roadmaps in Tikiwiki community). But it may very well come out in one or two months, at the most (that's my bet 😊