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Architecture / Installation

Wiki Formatting Issues After Upgrading to 1.9.7

posts: 73

I'm having a strange problem after an upgrade from 1.9.5 to 1.9.7. For some reason, the wiki is now ignoring line breaks and smushing all my links together. Observe:


When I go to "EDIT" the page, everything looks normal. But when I save it, all the items that should be on separate lines (the menu items, for instance) are run together in a very confusing way. Furthermore, I can't figure out how to force the wiki to put a line break in. This seems to have screwed up every wiki page on my site!

Can anyone please help me? I tried using the "wiki paragraph" thing on the admin wiki menu, but it dosen't seem to have any effect.

I do have a database backup and can restore to 1.9.5 if necessary, but I'm hoping that won't be necessary.



posts: 73

Has anyone else had this problem? Anyone willing to even speculate?

C'mon, guys. Help an ol' Tikiwiki user out here!

posts: 73
Oops, sorry ricks99! Try it now.

posts: 73
Anybody care about supporting tikiwiki anymore?
posts: 4662 Japan

> Anybody care about supporting tikiwiki anymore?

If "anymore" means from Dec. 24 til Jan. 5 or so, there are other ๐ŸŽ… things that need care more, at least for me. ๐Ÿ˜‰

If "Use wiki paragraph formatting" is turned on, on the Admin Wiki page, there should be explicit HTML paragraph tags around wikitext sections separated by a blank line. If it isn't, there should be a pair of HTML break tags at each blank line of wikitext. In either case, there should be paragraph-like separations matching the blank lines in the editpage. This is handled by lib/tikilib.php and hasn't been changed recently as far as I know.

Looking at your page source, I can see that there are "white space" link breaks in the wikitext, but no br or p tags to create the breaks in the displayed page. I don't know what would cause this or what to suggest other than making sure your latest update was complete, i.e., all files to be replaced were in fact replaced.

-- Gary - zukakakina.com

posts: 113 Ireland


I looked at your page and it appears to be displaying as designed. Your text (menus) runon because it is all considered in the same paragraph. If you want the menus to be on separate lines, you should use the list markup (like * or #) or separate each item with a blank line (for a new paragraph). Look at the HTML that is generated.

Maybe you had a CSS style for class="wiki wikinew" that got lost in your upgrade. That is the only special HTML that I see that might have given you other than runon behavior.


posts: 73

Thanks, guys! See, a little whining pays off sometimes! ๐Ÿ˜‚

I never had any HTML style page breaks. Before, they just broke off with the white space. It shows up correctly in the preview, still, it's just messed up after I hit SAVE. I also never tampered with the CSS. I'll make sure the files transferred correctly, but otherwise, I'm back to the drawing board on this one. I have thousands of pages in this wiki without hard-coded page breaks, so it's going to be living hell adding in all that code. Here's hoping I won't have to!


posts: 73
Well, I re-uploaded all the files, and alas, the problem is still there. It looks like I'll either have to use the asterisks or the pound signs from now on. What a pain. ๐Ÿ˜ข
posts: 4662 Japan

> Well, I re-uploaded all the files, and alas, the problem is still there. It looks like I'll either have to use the asterisks or the pound signs from now on. What a pain. ๐Ÿ˜ข

That's really strange, as normally the line breaks/paragraphs are made as expected. I mean it's the designed behavior and Tiki will do it (1.9.7 included) unless there's something interfering somehow. What is your server OS, etc.? It would be a lot of trouble, but what if you installed a second Tiki installation in another directory just to verify that a fresh install works normally on your server? If it does, then a check could be done to see what's different in the two installations.

-- Gary

posts: 73

> > Well, I re-uploaded all the files, and alas, the problem is still there. It looks like I'll either have to use the asterisks or the pound signs from now on. What a pain. ๐Ÿ˜ข
> That's really strange, as normally the line breaks/paragraphs are made as expected. I mean it's the designed behavior and Tiki will do it (1.9.7 included) unless there's something interfering somehow. What is your server OS, etc.? It would be a lot of trouble, but what if you installed a second Tiki installation in another directory just to verify that a fresh install works normally on your server? If it does, then a check could be done to see what's different in the two installations.
> — Gary

Well, when I setup the new version I kept the old one in another directory. The old one worked fine; it was only the new one that ignored the line breaks.I honestly don't know what the difference could be, since I unpacked it directly from the tar file. Below is my server info.

Operating system Linux
Linux kernel version 2.6.18-1-s5
Apache version 1.3.37 (Unix)
Perl version 5.8.7 (more info)
PHP version PHP/4.4.4 (more info)
MySQL version 4.1.21-standard-log
Path to Perl /usr/bin/perl
Path to sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail

posts: 73
Well, I went back in and replaced the tikilib file with the one from my backup, and still get the same bug. Geez. What other files could be involved in this?

posts: 73

Well, I must admit I'm even more flummoxed now than before. I re-installed my old Tikiwiki files from a backup and STILL have the annoying problem with linebreaks. It must be the database...Perhaps the upgrade script broke the links somehow? Or altered a setting somewhere?

Geez. I do have an old mysql dump here I made before "upgrading." I guess my next step will be restoring the old Tikiwiki and the old database.

posts: 73

All right guys, I finally found the problem! However, I'm still confused.

I might add that in the meantime, I found that the same behavior with lists was affecting forum posts as well.

I went into the admin settings and changed the setting for wiki paragraph formatting and automonospace, turning both to OFF. Now, everything works as it should.

Any thoughts on why?