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Architecture / Installation

Need to Upgrade

posts: 102
I need to upgrade my TikiWiki but I don't remember which version I am using. Can anyone tell me how I can find the version number?
posts: 113 Ireland

You could look at tiki-admin_security.php and look for the $tiki_versions array and see the last one listed. I think this would indicate the current version.

Or look at changelog.txt


posts: 102
Okay, I have 1.9.4. Can I upgrade straight to 1.9.7?

posts: 102
Thank you.

posts: 102

> I need to upgrade my TikiWiki but I don't remember which version I am using. Can anyone tell me how I can find the version number?

Okay, next question ... how to you upgrade? I'm seeing things on a new installation but nothing about upgrading.