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Architecture / Installation

Grrrr anonymous cant view wiki pages.

posts: 2

My Anonymous visitors can't access Wiki pages,

I have gone through the Modules and set up the View wiki pages etc. and I have gone to all the categories and set them for anonymous aswell, actually I have gone through them all a few times in the last couple of days and wasted about 6 hours.

This is my second wiki and my first one is working fine, the second one is being a real drama,

Any suggestions or another area of permissions that I have missed ?

http://wiki.ladiescelebrity.com/tiki-index.php is the address.

I can only set the individual pages to get them working and available for anonymous.

posts: 113 Ireland

Go to Admin -> Groups
Then select Anonymous as the group and wiki as the feature. Now you will see the list of permissions that can be set for wikis. Enable tiki_p_view. Now by default, all wiki pages are viewable by anonymous. You can override this on a per-page basis.

If you set *ANY* permissions on an object, then the default is not looked at but the permissions must be fully specified on the object.
