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posts: 3


I need to be able to create multiple groups of users, where a member of a group may access/edit any pages "owned" by this group, while anybody else should only be able to see a subset of these pages. Furthermore, a member should be able to create a new page and declare it as public or (group-)private (= viewable or not by any non-group-member).
So for short, a single group should have a public and a private area, should be able to create new pages and declare which pages are public (=viewable by outsiders). Is this possible?
While I was searching for a solution I came accross this: http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=TikiPageGroups
This *might* be what I'm looking for but I'm neither sure if this *is* the solution nor if thats already implemented...

Any suggestions? Thanks ...

posts: 113 Ireland

You can have as many groups as you want in tikiwiki. Admin -> Groups allows you to create groups, assign users to groups, and assign permissions to groups (global permissions).

You can also categorize a page and assign group permissions on all of the objects (wiki pages, galleries, ...) in the category. You enable categories in Admin -> Features and then for each page, you can assign to a category (or categories). See CategoryPermissions and Categories and Permissions


posts: 3

Hi Gary

If I create multiple groups where each group should be able to create new pages, all groups need the global privilege tiki_p_edit (I hope I remember the name correctly). But this again means, that any group may edit any page, which is definitly not what I want.

I thought about the categories as well, the problem there is: A user is either allowed to assign categories or not, but I cannot grant a user only to assign only a specific subset of the existing categories. This again results in that a user may create a page and store it with the privileges of an other group. Even worse: If a user forgets to mark the category which gives his group the privilege to edit (or even view the page), the group cannot access this page anymore and it must be restored by a more privileged user (e.g. the admin).

What I want logically is very simple:
Multiple groups, a user of a group may create & edit pages of this group and may declare the page as group-internal or public. That's it. I somehow can't believe that this should not be possible, but I cannot figure out how this should work 😑

posts: 113 Ireland

If you assign permissions to a page, they override the default. So if the page has specific permissions, you can get the control that you want.

If Registered has tiki_p_edit, all registered users can create new pages. But the pages initially created have the default permissions and no category. So anyone can edit it.

If an Admin then assigns the correct group(s) and category(s), they can restrict who can do what on each page. You can also create a group (say Editor) that also can assign groups and categories.

So now only the users that are in the correct group(s) can edit it.


posts: 3

Nah, both solutions not usable 😑

The admins must not have to edit the perms of every page, and an editor-group, as you suggested, is not what I want as well.
The page should just be owned by the creater-group automatically...

Well, it seems Tikiwiki has no solution for me 😑

Thanks anyway

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

lenherr, workspaces are the solution for what you are looking for, within Tiki.
You need to learn how to configure them (read the English documentation through http://edu.tikiwiki.org )
In short, you need to setup a structure module at the workspace desktop of the workspace you like (each workspace has a group created with permissions from a template assigned to them, different from the perms. of other workspaces).

To install that feature, you need to install AulaWiki Mod (latest by the time of this post is v1.2). See edu.tw.o to learn how to install it.

HTH, and consider joining us at edu.tw.o is you like workspaces feature! 😊
