

Re: Re: Global replace "wiki"

> Am I understanding the problem correctly?
> — Gary

Yes and no. I believe you are understanding what it is that I'd like to do, but I disagree with you on the average user's familiarity with the word "wiki". I don't think you are understanding my average user with the same familiarity as I do. Though this is expected, I would also argue that you are over estimating the knowledge of the average user spread across a wide demographic. Regardless, it's not worth arguing about. We can have our different opinions.

As for discouraging me from changing the term "wiki", I see your point and actually thought that that was the answer I was going to get, but it was worth checking. I may change a few top level instances of it to help users get to where they need to, ala doc.tikiwiki.org's replacing "Entire Site" with "Documentation" in the search bar.

Thanks for the response.

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