Times change by themselves on the calendar
First it is a bummer that the pop up time is always a 24hr clock. Rick S found the place to edit the template so times are 12 hr everywhere else but we can't find how to change the pop up's time.
Next is that when I add an event and choose the time and date from the drop down menu it often comes up AM rather than PM even though I've chosen PM.
My only work around is to always enter the time manually as, for example, 5/8/2007 5:30PM and that usually works (but, again, not in the pop up!). The jscalendar feature looks nice but it's also stuck in 24hr time and so therefore not intuitive for those of us on this side of the Earth.
No matter what I do though, if I go back and re-edit the event I have to enter the time in all over again as the time in the pull down menus is always defaulted back to AM and an hour earlier.