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Re: question mark after a word with a capital letter that is not the 1st letter

posts: 257 United States

Nice suggestion RikRak, Didn't know that.

It is important to understand why it happened in the first place. In a wiki one way you create new pages by making a word that begins with a capital letter and has another somewhere inside:


After you save, the words above would have a blue question mark which you click and it creates that page.

One caution; the beginning capital can not be followed immediately by another capital:


Another way (which I have just gotten into the habit of using all the time and has the advantage of allowing me to use real English rather than the weird capitals thingie) is to simply surround the new page name with double parentheses (used normally):

Normal double parentheses My Page Normal double parentheses

(I can't type them because you wont see them!)
Same question mark will pop up, etc.

RikRak's new trick of backwards parentheses allows you to actually include a word that has two caps in it like ))MySpace(( without having the wiki thinking it needs to make a new page out of it.

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