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Features / Usability

Quizzes and Tiki Scores

posts: 101

Is there a way to configure Tiki so that it will increase a users Score if they participate in Tiki Quizzes? I think this would be really helpful in encouraging involvement...

If there is no way to do this via the Tiki GUI, any suggestions on how I might manually edit some Tiki PHP files to achieve the effect?

posts: 4668 Japan

It looks like the code to reflect use of a feature in the user's score is in lib/tikilib.php. The score admin page files would also have to be modified if you want the admin interface to include quizzes. If you're up to it, you could modify these, or submit a request for enhancement at dev.tikiwiki.org and maybe it'll make it into an upcoming release. I agree with you that it'd be a good idea, and actually other feature participation should also be considered.

-- Gary

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

However, Zero, if you are realy interested in getting this feature enhancement into next tiki version (whatever next version it can go in), I would suggest you code it yourself, or find a coder to code it for you (and it's much better to have some money around to retribute that person's work if he/she lives on tiki coding and helping the community...).

Score feature was coded by batawata (lfagundes) coder, afaik, and he's not around in tiki community for the last months... (so I guess you would need another coder to improve it, since it looks difficult that the original coder improves it... - well, at least, difficult if you don't ask him directly... so you can try to contact him directly to show your interest in that improvement...)

Btw: At http://dev.tikiwiki.org there are some tips to help new coders get introduced to tiki development and hacking... 😉

Good luck 😊