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Features / Usability

TikiWiki Broke - Recovery steps

posts: 130


Well this is a hurdle that needs to be overcome....today my TikiWiki broke....I opened it up to a few more users at my organization (library) to test and sometime during the day it broke.

What happens is I cannot go to my normal homepage (I either get nothing, or I just get a page cannot be displayed)....

I can get into the admin pages, and if I list the wiki pages I see the titles, but if I try to edit, they are just blank and I have no tabs or anything...

So, asking the community where to start off with troubleshooting? Restore the databases? something else? like i said I believe I can get to the admin pages.....


posts: 3665 United States

The #1 cause for partially or non-displaying pages is PHP memory. See this FAQ and try increasing your memory_limit.



> Hello,
> Well this is a hurdle that needs to be overcome....today my TikiWiki broke....I opened it up to a few more users at my organization (library) to test and sometime during the day it broke.
> What happens is I cannot go to my normal homepage (I either get nothing, or I just get a page cannot be displayed)....
> I can get into the admin pages, and if I list the wiki pages I see the titles, but if I try to edit, they are just blank and I have no tabs or anything...
> So, asking the community where to start off with troubleshooting? Restore the databases? something else? like i said I believe I can get to the admin pages.....
> Thanks!