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How can I include a mp3 in wiki?

posts: 13 United States

To improve the perceieved loading speed, our Web designers decided to make a flash movie linked with an external mp3 music track, instead of merging the two into a single swf file. The flash movie itself has these typical music control buttons, such as play/stop/fast forward/forward/rewind/fast rewind, sound on/off etc.

The scheme works quite well for typical web pages. It indeed makes the observed loading speed quicker.

But when it comes to put the flash movie into our wiki, there is a problem: where can we place the mp3 music track? The flash itself can be incorporated into a wiki page using the FLASH plugin very easily, but I don't see anything for the corresponding mp3.

How can I resolve this issue? I would be grateful to any hints/tips.


posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Try this, Peter: xspf_player

xspf_player 2006.11.29 1.1 GNU/LGPL
Displays a flash object with controls generated by xspf player to put mp3-s or a playlist of mp3s
into any wiki-enabled tikiwiki object. For further info on xspf_player see http://musicplayer.sourceforge.net/ .

If it helps to make what you are looking for, a new page in documentation explaining it would be wonderful!
(there is no extra documentation about the usage of this mod, right now, on Documentation, afaik)


posts: 175 Canada

Hi Peter;
If I understand you, your flash movie calls for the mp3.

If this is the case I believe you can upload your mp3s into the file gallery. I would recommend switching to file storage rather the DB storage.
Then change your flash movie to point to the created link.

further reading, PluginMov and PluginWMV


posts: 13 United States

I would like to thank both jamessoftpiya and xavi. I will try all your suggestions.

Regarding the current online documentation, yes, I agree with xavi, it's lacking in different areas. As soon as I am more up to speed with tikiwiki (I started dealing with it only 1.5 weeks ago!), and are done with tuning our current internal testing one, I will see what I can do to contribute.

Thanks you gentlemen again!
