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Re: how to remove page title?

posts: 257 United States

Not sure if you can remove titles but you can reduce their size -and change color and font, etc. I won't get into nitty gritty details but overall, heres what you can do. Two ways:

1) Change your theme. A good portion of a theme is the style sheet (css) which defines colors, fonts and page display parameters for many areas of Tikiwiki. Some themes have smaller titles than others. Go to Admin, click the General icon and right at the top it'll tell you what theme you are using. You can try changing the theme to one that has a smaller font -but I know that is less than satisfying if you like the theme you are using. So,

2) Click Edit CSS and you'll have a choice to try, display or edit. Edit will take you right to the HTML CSS code but click "Display" instead and you'll see a nice page showing you the values/settings/colors of each of the various things that can be changed.

I'm pretty sure it's the H1 section that makes the page titles; luckily it's about the 9th item down the page. Note the value for font height and font weight. If you make the size smaller in pixels and delete the "bold" value for weight (if there is one) than you can accomplish your mission -BUT

You can't do it here, you have to do it in Edit (not Display).

NOTE: You should only edit styles appended by -admin. There are only a few of these. Othwerwise you can edit any CSS but you should go to the file manager at your hosting site find the .css file for that theme and duplicate it and give it a name like stylebackup in case you hose up the real one. I know you should actually use the backup to edit but some themes include other template files and I'm not sure everything will work right if you don't leave the .CSS the same name. (somebody can spank me for this if I've violated Tiki Law.)

I like to open Edit in a new window so I can see and refresh the nice Display page while I'm thrashing about editing the CSS file. Find the H1 area in the Edit screen and change the H1 values above and save. (Yes, the H1 is the same kind of H1 as HTML Header 1)

That should take care of the problem. And looking through the style sheet you've probably already seen how much more trouble you can get into editing .CSS files!

posts: 257 United States

> Not sure if you can remove titles but you can reduce their size -and change color and font, etc. I won't get into nitty gritty details but overall, heres what you can do. Two ways:
> 1) Change your theme. A good portion of a theme is the style sheet (css) which defines colors, fonts and page display parameters for many areas of Tikiwiki. Some themes have smaller titles than others. Go to Admin, click the General icon and right at the top it'll tell you what theme you are using. You can try changing the theme to one that has a smaller font -but I know that is less than satisfying if you like the theme you are using. So,
> 2) Click Edit CSS and you'll have a choice to try, display or edit. Edit will take you right to the HTML CSS code but click "Display" instead and you'll see a nice page showing you the values/settings/colors of each of the various things that can be changed.
> I'm pretty sure it's the H1 section that makes the page titles; luckily it's about the 9th item down the page. Note the value for font height and font weight. If you make the size smaller in pixels and delete the "bold" value for weight (if there is one) than you can accomplish your mission -BUT
> You can't do it here, you have to do it in Edit (not Display).

NOTE: You should only edit styles appended by -admin. There are only a few of these. Othwerwise you can edit any CSS but you should go to the file manager at your hosting site find the .css file for that theme and duplicate it and give it a name like stylebackup so you dont hose up the real one. Then you should Edit the one you just made.

> I like to open Edit in a new window so I can see and refresh the nice Display page while I'm thrashing about editing the CSS file. Find the H1 area in the Edit screen and change the H1 values above and save. (Yes, the H1 is the same kind of H1 as HTML Header 1)
> That should take care of the problem. And looking through the style sheet you've probably already seen how much more trouble you can get into editing .CSS files!