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Features / Usability


posts: 7


Am new to TikiWiki and am currently trying to get a site setup with it.

Question I have is, where do I setup the local timezone? My server clocks are set to UTC, and currently all pages and edit uses that timestamp.

Also, is there any way for each individual user have his/her own timezone setting (eg: GMT+x, etc...); and if so, how do I enable this?


posts: 257 United States

You can set time preferences in the General admin area for local time and date -however in 1.9x I don't think it actually ever worked. On my installs it always just showed server time and also reset any calendar events to server time if you edited the event. Youy also had to edit the Calendar and add event template files to force it to use 12hr AM/PM time.

In 1.10 you can set local time and it works except you still cannot set 12hr AM/PM anywhere. Ricks99 tells me you can edit a different calendar template file but I'm having problems finding the spot to do it.

No idea on user time zones.

Uncle Geo

posts: 7

I'm looking at
Admin home-General, and all I see that is time related is "Date and Time Formats", which I don't believe is what I'm looking for.

I'm running 1.9.8

I just noticed on this site, under MyTiki-Preferences, there is a "displayed time zone" option. This is exactly what I'd like on my site; any ideas?