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Re: Deleting many trackback pings?

posts: 17 United States

I figured this out. If anyone else needs to know how this is done, my attempt is below. One word of caution, I am not a Tikiwiki db expert so this might not be the "right way" to do this. Also be sure to make a db backup before you try this.

I opened mysql and pulled a few queries for blog entries that were not affected as well as some that were a problem. I then determined that, at least for my Tikiwiki version, empty traceback_from entries contain 'a:0:{}'. I used a few queries to get a listing of the damage. Once I was comfortable that I knew the format I used an update query to dump all at once. BTW, this assumes that there are no legitimate traceback_from entries.

For some reason this forum (maybe all Tikiwiki forums) does not allow me to post sql statements. I get an Internal Server Error when I try. Even when placed in CODE sections. You can see all the SQL queries that I used on my blog: Found spam traceback pings on some of the Tikiwiki blog posts

Oh... new bug.. Parser should not try to link hotwords found in an external reference!

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