Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Embedding videos from all hosts in my tiki forum?

posts: 63

Last time I checked, there was a plugin code that we could use to embed youtube and google vidoes. Is there a way to embed videos from other video hosting sites like break, dailymotion, metacafe,etc? And would it be possible to embed them in my tiki forum?


posts: 63

What about a video code like myspace has? they give you a link to the player then they also give you a seperate flashvars code for the video, not really a url link. I used to be able to embed myspace videos in my tiki, but not anymore. I'm wondering if there's a way to combine the two bits of info somehow.


posts: 63

I tried embedding a dailymotion video, but nothing showed up. Did you use the same fashplugin code as you would for a youtube video? So far I can only embed youtube videos.


posts: 3665 United States

Yes, I used the regular FLASH plugin:

Copy to clipboard

To produce:

I'm not sure of what MySpace uses, but all you really need is the URL to the SWF file. Simply add that to the flash plugin.


Need more help? Try TikiWiki for Dummies Smarties or read my Tiki Blog.

posts: 63

okay, the code worked fine for embedding your dailymotion video in my tiki. Maybe I copied something wrong before.

Here's a video from myspace. Let me know if this would be possible to embed. If not, I'll just focus on uploading videos to hosts that I know work with tiki.


posts: 63

Let me try to write the myspace code as a quote. It didn't show up in my last post.


If it gets stripped again, basically the code had this:
and this

posts: 3665 United States

Yes, you can easily add that video from MySpace to your TikiWiki wiki page:

To to this, you need to example the code that MySpace gives you:

Copy to clipboard
< a href="http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=33284480">FIAT 126-PORSCHE< /a>< br>< embed src="http://lads.myspace.com/videos/vplayer.swf" flashvars="m=33284480&v=2&type=video" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="430" height="346">< /embed>

Specifically, look at the EMBED tag and note these two items:

  • src="http://lads.myspace.com/videos/vplayer.swf"
  • flashvars="m=33284480&v=2&type=video"

Using Tiki's PluginFlash, you simply include these values:

Copy to clipboard

See my blog post for additional information on using the FLASH plugin.


Need more help? Try TikiWiki for Dummies Smarties or read my Tiki Blog.

posts: 63

Nice! I got it to work in my tikiwiki. I see I needed to add a "?" in between the two items instead of an "&" sign like I tried before.
