Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Daylight savings problems...

posts: 2

Hi there,

I've just started using TikiWiki for a website I'm building (www.smstc.ac.uk/ems2), and I'm impressed by the number of features this "wiki" has on board. It's actually more of a CMS...

I'm having a problem here: In the time zone selection, I chose GMT (I'm in the UK), and the times are listed in UTC. Currently, we're in BST (British daylight savings time) though, so an event scheduled for 4:30pm UTC would actually be at 5:30 BST, which could confuse some people. Is this a problem with the wiki, or with the underlying server (Apache on Ubuntu)? Or PHP? For scheduling events in the calendar, do I schedule them in UTC and have the wiki convert those times to BST?

I've noticed that, using the UTC option makes times show up differently on different computers (showed up as 4:30 on my machine, while it was converted to 5:30 BST on someone else's), which is a REAL problem for a calendar.



posts: 3665 United States

Note that users can set their own timezone preference, which can override your site-wide setting. See the User Preferences screen. I believe that the default is to select the timezone based on the
browser first, then use the site's setting as a fallback.


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