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Features / Usability

Re: Date format in tiki-calendar.php

posts: 257 United States

Don't get me wrong -the people who code Tiki do excellent work -and for free!- so I hesitate to point you to a non Tiki solution but the Calendar function in Tiki has never really worked well for people in the US either in any of the versions including 1.10. It is a little confusing for end users and it does not seem to be following many of the new trends in calendar design like iCal, etc.

I am now experimenting with Google Calendar. I have entered the iframe code (that Google Calendar will generate for you) into a Tiki page (you must "allow html"). See http://myaurora.org/aurorawiki/tiki-index.php?page=Calendar+experiment

Time and dates are simple to enter. You can, as I have done here, include more than one calendar (try the little arrow button at right to enable/disable various calendars), and if you stick a location in the "where" field when creating an event it will automatically generate a Google Map link for you when you display the details of an event. I can also tell it to remind me via e-mail of events I click on -though not sure yet how (if) this works for users besides me.

I forget if I had to have a plug in to use the iframe. If I did, it was one Rick S pointed me to. (You can see I am obviously not a programmer type!).

Good luck!

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