Registration issue
Hi. I recently moved to a new server, and also upgraded my version of TW to the latest one. But, I then found that I cant log in. When I try, it just throws me back to the same page, not logged in and no error message. I discovered that I am only allowed to log in if I tick the 'remember me' box, then it works fine.
Now, I have discovered that my system is not allowing new registrations! With the image code verification, I just keep getting the message that the security code is incorrect, even when it is right. When I allow registration without image code verification, I get the following error message:
An error occured in a database query!
File tiki-register.php
Url tiki-register.php
insert into `users_users`(`login`, `password`, `email`, `provpass`, `registrationDate`, `hash`, `pass_due`, `created`, `valid`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
0 test
3 testtest
4 1216373010
5 110497cd96b5ab541304fc4cb1416050
6 1302686610
7 1216373010
8 a5889674623bb01e98a5a22cb938e7bf
Error Message
I then get the email verification, but when I click on the link I get a 'Invalid username or password' error.
Any help please? Thanks.