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Iframes Broken?

posts: 12

I just recently installed Tiki 2.0, and now whenever I add an iframe html tag into my page, I start to have problems.

I type in this:

Copy to clipboard
< iframe

... and when I save, it changes itself to this:

Copy to clipboard
< if< x >rame

(EDIT: Holy crap, it's happening here too! Even with the code tags, it still won't even display it how I typed it. Please disregard the spaces, but it's the only way I can get it all to show up.)

This used to work perfectly fine before I upgraded.

Just wondering if anyone knew what was going on and had any insight for me.

Much appreciated.

posts: 7

yes, we have discovered this as well. Very annoying.

Is there a workaround to edit this out ? It keeps "reinserting" itself....🙄

posts: 4664 Japan

This is unintended collateral damage from overzealous protection against script attacks on the site. Most of the vulnerable terms were fixed for normal use, but apparently this one was missed. I don't know of an easy fix/workaround; maybe there'll be a Tiki patch or version upgrade released to fix bugs.

-- Gary

posts: 7

thanks for the info, chibaguy.

I am new to Tiki; do they typically release a bugfix update after a major release, and if so, is this something that happens fairly quickly, or could this be a months-long wait?

posts: 4664 Japan

When I asked about this on the dev mailing list, the response was that iframes are security risks for scripting attacks on the site and that a wikiplugin would be a better approach for iframes anyway. So iframe as an HTML tag will probably stay "sanitized" — i.e., this a feature, not a bug 😉.

As fate would have it, I made an iframe plugin a while back, so I committed it to the mods.tw.o repository and asked to have it looked over for any security or efficiency improvements. It's available at mods/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_iframe and you can see zukakakina.com/wikiplugin_iframe for a demo and the syntax to use. Let me know if there's any problem with this. The plugin will probably either stay in the mods repository or be put in the libs/wiki-plugins-dist/ directory so it will not be immediately available for use in new Tiki installations, but will have to be moved into lib/wiki-plugins/ by the site admin, due to the possible security risk (presumeably there is risk when the site can't be sure of trusted page editors).

-- Gary

posts: 12

Thank you for the iframe mod. It works, however it doesn't seem to be working with what we're trying to use it for: Google Maps. I believe that it the URL may be too advanced, and it's seeing characters that it's not expecting. Here is the code:

Copy to clipboard
{IFRAME(width=425,height=350px,name=frame1,align=center,frameborder=0,marginheight=0px, marginwidth=0px,scrolling=no)}=http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp;q=Firelake+Grand+Casino,+Shawnee,+OK&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;ll=35.472414,-97.02507&amp;spn=0.249054,0.415421&amp;z=11&amp;iwloc=A&amp;cid=35380463,-97059011,2764343524424922546&amp;output=embed&amp;s=AARTsJpJFP7w3p7cCrdsO6awHYKRPb-PYg{IFRAME} View Larger Map

The frame itself works, however the URL turns bad.

posts: 4664 Japan

I tried your url in an iframe plugin at my site and it worked. Notice the url as you pasted it here starts with an equal sign. That should be deleted.

In answer to your pm, the theme at my site is called Ohia and it can be downloaded here: ohia.tag.gz. See also New themes. Not all of these are ready for Tikiwiki 2 yet, though.

-- Gary

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Hi Gary,

A always, nice work you do (themes, useful plugins, etc.): I'm looking forward to cutomize Ohia theme for whatever new Tiki 2 I have to install.

Just a note on a tiny issue, FYI, I've just seen on Ohia (at least).

I was just checking whether tiki-index_p.php was still working (to snarf or get by iframe the central column wiout lateral columns from tiki sites), and it does.
But there must be some problem with css, because, for instance:ç

using Ohia theme, seems to show the text inside the code plugin in black (only shown when selecting text). Tried with FF 3.0.1 under GNU/Linux. See screenshot attached.

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Ah, ok, it was the preview, which previews the post, but loses the link to the attac hed file already oploaded. 😕
Well, anyway, here it is the screenshot:

posts: 3

I have the exact same problem - trying to include a "user map" based on gmaps within a wiki page. The only options I have been able to think of are

  • using an iframe in the wiki
  • using the script for gmap in the wiki
  • using an iframe in a dynamic content block
  • using the script in a dynamic content block
  • writing some custom php code for a dynamic content block

Unfortunately, all of these are defeated because of the security paranoia - both wiki edits and dynamic content block edits will mangle any script, php, or iframe tags 😑.
Have you been able to find any solutions? I'm okay hacking source files to disable the security tag stripping for admin users if somebody could point to the right files? Thanks.

posts: 10


The iframe plugin link below is broken. Is it somewhere else or within the Tiki Wiki installation yet?




posts: 1 United States
Ok I have the iframe plugin, how do I install it?
posts: 4664 Japan
Just FTP or copy the plugin file to your lib/wiki-plugins/ directory.

posts: 63

I tried to download the iframe plugin, but the link given in this thread doesn't seem to work anymore. I'm really interested in this plugin. Is there another place I can get it?


posts: 63

Nice! The plugin works great.
