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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Iframes Broken?

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Hi Gary,

A always, nice work you do (themes, useful plugins, etc.): I'm looking forward to cutomize Ohia theme for whatever new Tiki 2 I have to install.

Just a note on a tiny issue, FYI, I've just seen on Ohia (at least).

I was just checking whether tiki-index_p.php was still working (to snarf or get by iframe the central column wiout lateral columns from tiki sites), and it does.
But there must be some problem with css, because, for instance:ç

using Ohia theme, seems to show the text inside the code plugin in black (only shown when selecting text). Tried with FF 3.0.1 under GNU/Linux. See screenshot attached.

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