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Wikiplugin Category in v 2.0 lists items vertical. ( in v 1.9x horizontal )

posts: 3

Hi all,
the plugin CATEGORY lists now ( in v2.0 ) the Pages ( Wiki, Blogs, ... ) one under the other.
In v1.9.x the plugin lists the items horizontally.

Is that the new look and feel ???

I hope not because i ( and my users ) use the CATEGORY Plugin often in my sites as essential Navigation and Design element.

Please tell me how to change it back to a horizontal design.

Thanks Ralf

posts: 289 United States

I'm wondering if this is determined by the theme, as when I use the plugin I get a horizontal list (using the ))TikiNewt(( theme).

The category plugin documentation shows a bulleted list like what you're describing.

Anyone else have any ideas?

posts: 3

Hi Darkbee,

like you wrote
(using the TikiNewt theme).
it depends from the Thema.

But here on tikiwiki site there is at the moment the same problem.

Thanks Ralf

posts: 3

what happened to me.

Here some examples
v1.9.x ( normal horizontal order )


and a life example: {CATEGORY(id=2, types=wiki, sort=name_asc)}{CATEGORY}

Category: community

This is a look trough my "window" on the TW category plugin.

PS i'm powerd by: firefox 3.0.1 and konqueror 3.5.9

gRuss Ralf

posts: 4664 Japan

In Tiki 2.0 the category items are a list, and the CSS to display the items horizontally is not in all of the theme stylesheets (the older ones may be missing it), but it's in the transitions stylesheet (1.9to2.0.css). So if the theme you're using doesn't display the items horizontally, in the Look & Feel section, turn on the "use transitions stylesheet" option.

Update: Well, I wrote that reply first, and then realized there must be a problem with some themes because this site uses the transitions stylesheet option, but the list is still vertical. So it looks like this CSS is being overwritten by tikineat.css (and this may happen with other themes; I didn't check). For a quick fix, you can try adding

ul.catitems li {float: left !important; padding-right: 18px;}

to the bottom of the CSS file you're using. (The padding isn't especially important so it can be a different number or maybe even deleted; the float is the main thing to add.) There may be more to add, and I'll check and report back if there is.

-- Gary

posts: 43 United States
Gary Cunningham-Lee wrote:

For a quick fix, you can try adding

ul.catitems li {float: left !important; padding-right: 18px;}

to the bottom of the CSS file you're using. (The padding isn't especially important so it can be a different number or maybe even deleted; the float is the main thing to add.) There may be more to add, and I'll check and report back if there is.

Looks like there's more needed (at least for IEv6). I tried that code, and it doesn't quite get us back to the v1.9.x display. Where the last link in the row would normally wrap to the beginning of the next row, it instead wraps at the end of the row for one or more lines, as if it was squashed into a table cell that's too narrow for the string.

- ))MacLeod((

posts: 43 United States

Got it! (Thanks to Floatutorial.)

Instead of float, add display: inline to .catitems li .

Key classes involved, some of which may need to be copied over from the appropriate transition stylesheet:

  • catblock
    • catlists
      • catfeatures
        • catitems

- ))MacLeod((

posts: 4664 Japan

Hey, good one. I'll check and update the stylesheets in svn.

-- Gary