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Architecture / Installation

File upload broke after 1.9>2.2 upgrade

posts: 19 Germany

Hi y'all, I'd appreciate some help on the following problem. I upgraded from Tiki 1.9.x to 2.2, using the respective database upgrade script.

However, when using the file upload feature (tiki-upload_file.php), the following error occurs. I'm a little lost why the comments&forums tables are searched during file upload?

Any tip on how I can fix this would be very nice. Thanks in advance. My site: http://www.eidolons-inn.net

An error occured in a database query!
File tiki-upload_file.php
Url tiki-upload_file.php
select * from `tiki_comments`,`tiki_forums` where `object`=`forumId` and `objectType` = 'forum' order by `commentDate` desc
MySQL client ran out of memory
Built query was probably:
select * from `tiki_comments`,`tiki_forums` where `object`=`forumId` and `objectType` = 'forum' order by `commentDate` desc


posts: 19 Germany
Please help! The file feature is really important for my site... I would like to fix it soon, but I simply don't understand why the file upload feature would somehow generate a mysql query related to comments and forums... Can I somehow modify the tiki-upload_file.php, .tpl or related files to prevent that query which seems totally unrelated to the file upload function? This problem did not occur with Tiki 1.9.x