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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Menu system help

posts: 35 United States

Hi .. I've got several different tikis for various project, but am considering how to do a new setup.

I need a left-side menu that changes based on where you are on the site.

e.g. if you are viewing engineering pages, you get one set of options; if you are viewing the marketing department pages, you get a different set of options.

It would also be nice to customize the menu based on what page you are on.

An example might be (a site that obviously isn't a wiki, but just shows a menu system): http://bementumc.org

If you click on "services" you go to a page where services is highlighted. There may be several page in the "services" section that aren't necessarily on the menu; services should remain highlighted for each of the services page.

Click on feedback across the top; the left-side menu changes. In this case it basically goes away; in my case it would be replaced with a different menu.

Is this possible with tiki in some manner? I've thought about putting a menu in; that MIGHT work but wouldn't be an ideal solution — having every page on the menu. How would I get it to auto-expand to a given page if you navigate to a specific page not using the menu?

Any pointers to features that I may be missing to help do this would be appreciated! Thanks.

posts: 35 United States

No pointers? Anyone?

I thought about putting creating "engineering", "marketing", etc as categories, then based on which category the current wiki page is in, show a given set of menus.

Is there some way to find out what category the current page is in? I know about $user and $group to identify the current user, and I've created coding in a user module to have a conditional menu based on that, but obviously I need information on the current page — what category it is in.

Norm Fisher

posts: 8

same problem, any suggestion??
