Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Re: How to have GMap Usermap show real name?

posts: 214

Change the first $query = to:

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$query = "SELECT `login`, `avatarType`, `avatarLibName`, p1.`value` as lon, p2.`value` as lat, p3.`value` as realName FROM `users_users` as u ";

Add a new "left join" to the bottom of the select:

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$query.= "left join `tiki_user_preferences` as p3 on p3.`user`=u.`login` and p3.`prefName`=? ";

Add realName to the $tikilib array values:

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$result = $tikilib->query($query, array('lon','lat','realName'));

Then add the name to the displayed data (note, this does not check to see if a realName exists, you should probably add code to check for that and change the display to handle it if the user did not enter one):

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$out[] = array($res['lat'],$res['lon'],addslashes($image).'Name:'.$res['realName'].'Login:'.$res['login'].'Lat: '.$res['lon'].'° Long: '.$res['lat'].'°');
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