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Re: Does Tikiwiki support UTF-8?

posts: 56 China

Ok, at least you had confirmed what I had seen in the SQL dump file.

But, I don't think it's the issue outside Tikiwiki.

In fact, I want to remind the developers of Tikiwiki to re-check this issue because I am sure this is something wrong in Tiki.

Why I am so sure?

Because I installed Tikiwiki along with Joomla 1.0.x on the SAME server, the SAME mysql(two different databases), the SAME charset for db tables. My Joomla also use utf-8 encoding.

Then, when I check the SQL dump file for Joomla, the Chinese characters in that file showed me proper Chinese words, of course I was sure the .sql file was in UTF-8 encoding.

Next, I open the Tiki sql dump file with the same text editor, the editor show me that the file was utf-8 encoding but the Chinese characters inside that file were UNREADABLE !

Now, do you think the reason is something outside Tiki?


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