mailin to forum
I'm trying to set up a new forum and allow mail in to it.
Whenenver I try to read the forum I get an error message:
Warning: Wrong parameter count for fgets() in /var/www/html/tiki-1.7/lib/webmail/pop3.php on line 215
This repeats endlessly.
The email user exisits and I can mail to it from Linux. The maillog shows a pop connection with username/password when the forum attampts to get the mail message.
If I edit the offending line and add in the number of bytes to read i.e.
$line = fgets($this->connection);
changed to
$line = fgets($this->connection,16384);
I do get the message into the forum, it appears to be from anonymous.
There are several posts about mailin working so I'm sure that the edit is not required - fgets is valid without a length count.
All I want is to be able to mail in to the forum, there will be no mailing list attached to it's use
I'm running tiki 1.7.4 under RH 7.3