Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: Upgrading from 3.2 to 4.0

posts: 4656 Japan

My opinion is that it might be a good idea to wait til 4.1 to upgrade, if you have a live site or content that you don't want to risk. 4.0 is generally stable and of course has tons of neat new things, but there are some quirks that may or may not be a problem.

The upgrade path is smooth, if you want to do it; just run tiki-install.php and click "upgrade" (not the other button on the left that will destroy the old database and create a new one).

If you want to try 4.0 while keeping your old site going, you could just install the files in a separate directory, and copy your existing database (can be done with phpmyadmin, etc.) with a new name and point to it with 4.0's install page, and do the upgrade there.

As long as the 3.3 site connects to its db and the 4.0 install points to its own, they won't interfere with each other, but you can test 4.0 with your content.

-- Gary

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