How to get attension for my questions? Posted by Dirk Schmeckthal 19 Apr 2010 20:34 GMT-0000 posts: 92 What would be the best way for me here to get fast answers? Chat is not crowded, where do i get most attention for my nice to formulate questions?
Posted by Gary Cunningham-Lee 20 Apr 2010 02:44 GMT-0000 posts: 4669 Only a few people spend much time responding to posts in the forums. Developers are busy with the code, and, I guess, experienced users are busy with their web sites. So there is no magic key to getting fast answers. What's needed is for more people who've learned their way around Tiki to one degree or another would contribute back a little time and expertise. -- Gary
Posted by Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties 21 Apr 2010 23:41 GMT-0000 posts: 3665 I think it would also be very helpful for those of us who do try to answer forum posts, if the question included as many details as possible: What Tiki version? What theme? What environent? Provide a working URL or screenshot that illustrates the problem. Any customizations you may have applied? And, most importantly, __check the documentation and FAQs first. I find that about 75% of all the questions I answer are covered in the docs. Oh... and reading through Smarties probably would be a good idea, too! 😉
Posted by Dirk Schmeckthal 21 Apr 2010 23:56 GMT-0000 posts: 92 damn, i wish i could quote you, but there is no button for such. all the tiki installation data should be saved in profile. btw. which theme do i have to select here to get the forum displayed in full width?
Posted by Gary Cunningham-Lee 22 Apr 2010 04:06 GMT-0000 posts: 4669 By 'full width' do you mean that forum posts take the full width of the browser window? If so, this isn't a theme setting; it's a site option (Look and Feel admin option, on tiki-admin.php?page=look). I'm not sure of the reasons, but at this site the setting is to show all three columns all the time. Actually, most forum posts only have content of some text, so I wonder why it would be good to show them full-width. If there is a good reason, then the site Look and Feel settings could be changed. If you mean at your own site, then you can change it on your Look and Feel admin page ('show columns' and/or 'layout by section' options). -- Gary
Posted by Xavier de Pedro 20 Apr 2010 08:36 GMT-0000 posts: 1817 pi, I think that you need to ask yourself the opposite question also: "What would be the best way for me to provide fast answers to others?" This is a community, and only some of the Consultants can (or decided to) dedicate some (or all) of their professional time to provide (payed) quick answers to customers. Maybe you need to consider talking some some consultant instead, if you need faster answers from a Community where most users only look for answers to their own questions, instead of also helping to answer questions from others? HTH
Posted by Dirk Schmeckthal 21 Apr 2010 17:43 GMT-0000 posts: 92 you are right, but because of not using tiki for some years i need a little bit time to learn before helping.