install problems 1.8 rc3
i see some problems in the install script:
1 is the cache dir is not made so i get errors when i first go to the tiki-indax page. when i made the cache dir in tmp all was fine.
2 there are problems with the replace statemenst when creating the database.
statements like these:
REPLACE INTO tiki_modules VALUES ('application_menu','l',1,'P',,0,0,,'a:1:{i:0;s:9:\"Anonymous\";}');
REPLACE INTO tiki_modules VALUES ('login_box','r',1,'P',,0,0,,'a:1:{i:0;s:9:\"Anonymous\";}');
will not work because of the ;
see these lines in the tiki-install.,php:
lin 47:
it splits on ; so the replace statment will be broken hance the errors....