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Features / Usability

Start page in Tiki 5

posts: 50 Germany

In Tiki 4.3 I had set my homepage to http://list.vic-fontaine.com/forums

After upgrading to Tiki 5.0, the Home Page option is behaving very strange.

I can't use the field to enter any URL as home page. Whatever I enter here, the page from the dropdown list will be used anyway...

Even more strange, in the help it says, that only enabled features will be listed. However, the list includes:

1. Wiki (is not enabled)
2. Articles (is enabled, but when chosen, the choice will swap back to "Wiki")
3. Image Gallery 1 (same as Articles)
4. File Gallery 1 (same as articles)
5. Forum 1 (same as Articles)
6. Custom Home (not enables)

Any ideas how to fix this? 😊



posts: 4664 Japan

I checked in a Tiki 5.0 installation and got the same result as at your site. But in a Tiki 5.1RC installation, it seems to be fixed.

-- Gary