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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Error messages when trying to assign permissions

posts: 24 United Kingdom

Hi Guys, i am getting the following error messages when i bring up the admin permissions page in version 5.1 and even more error messages when i try to assign permissions:

Notice: Undefined index: forumId in /var/www/vhosts/*******.***/httpdocs/lib/core/lib/Perms.php on line 185

Notice: Undefined index: forumId in /var/www/vhosts/*******.***/httpdocs/lib/core/lib/Perms.php on line 229

Please put my mind at rest and tell me this is nothing to worry about and if possible the cause and remedy.

Thanks in advance.

posts: 289 United States
How many users groups do you see listed on the permissions page? Just 1? I've noticed that if I only have 1 user group listed (in my case Anonymous) I get a whole slew of errors, but as soon as I select both Anonymous and Registered, the errors go away. In either case it doesn't seem to impact my ability to set permissions as far as I can tell.

posts: 7

I'm experiencing the exact same error messages when I go into global permissions. Also v5.1

It doesn't appear to have affected any changes I've made, so far.

posts: 24 United Kingdom
Ok thanks guys. I have come to the same conclusion, that it does not seem to affect the granting of permissions. Perhaps we just need to wait for an update for 5.1 or something? Would be nice to hear from someone if that is the case.

posts: 28

...someone knows how to turn off notice messages ?


posts: 289 United States
If you view permissions of more than one user group, do the messages go away? There is a "select groups" tab/section where you can check the groups that you want to see.