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Re: Forum posts in wiki pages

posts: 257 United States

In Tiki 5 I've been able to add Comments directly on a wiki page which kind of makes it's own little "forum" for the page. Our content contributors can go into the comments and pull out the best ideas to incorporate into the wiki part of the page. We use this to improve the content of our pages without actually opening it wide for just any Bozo to wiki.

Comments and the wiki page can/do show author and title, though I'm not sure you can pick off the first 20 words and have a "more" link.

Not sure about a backtrack, maybe it's not needed if the "forum" is on the page. I don't think the forum can live independently elsewhere on the site as it's not really a Tiki Forum but a comments section of the wiki page. I could be wrong about that. I'm wrong about all sort of stuff -jut ask my wife!

Admins can trash the small talk out of the comments if they feel the need. Our site is political and educational in nature and we don't need the opposition trashing it up just to get their ya yas out.

Also, for what it's worth, you can attach documents to a wiki page.

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