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Tiki Importer

XML file does not validate against the Mediawiki XML schema

When I try to import a mediawiki xml file using Tiki Importer(exported using dumpBackup.php), I receive the following error message:

"XML file does not validate against the Mediawiki XML schema"

The first time I received the error, I had imported the xml file from mediawiki 1.16 into tiki 6.1. After reading this post: https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=38686&topics_offset=3&topics_sort_mode=lastPost_desc&forumId=20 I tried importing a mediawiki xml file from a backup of mediawiki 1.15. I received the same error. I also tried importing both the mediawiki 1.15 and 1.16 files into tiki trunk and received the same error.

From what I understand Tiki 6.1 uses XML file version 0.3 while mediawiki 1.16 uses XML file version 0.4. That would make sense why I received the error. However, mediawiki uses the XML file version 0.3, so I shouldn't receive this error right? I understand that the Tiki Importer was designed for mediawiki 1.14 but I know you guys were working on this. I saw this post earlier today:


any luck so far?

I would help but I've only begun my beginner's php class and I'm only getting my feet wet with some basic functions.



Some users have succesfully imported Mediawiki XML file version 0.4 using Tiki Importer running Tiki 6.1.

Others have reported that Mediawiki itself sometimes generate an invalid XML file and in this case Tiki Importer will fail with the error saying it is unable to validate the file against its schema.

Can you check if you have a valid XML file? To do that just open the XML file on Firefox (or any other program that can handle XML file) and see if there is any error.

If you have a valid XML file we need to further investigate what is happening in your case.

Thanks, Rodrigo.

I have some good and bad results: First, just like you thought, I did receive an error when I opened my mediawiki xml file in Firefox. I had originally followed Dreamhost's wiki page on how to use Mediawiki's backupDump.php. This was their recommended command:

/usr/local/dh/cgi-system/php5.cgi dumpBackup.php --full > backup.xml

After some googling, I found this suggested command and it created an xml file without any errors:

/usr/local/php5/bin/php dumpBackup.php --full > backup.xml

However, I now receive different errors in the Tiki Importer html readout. It seems that many of the pages were parsed correctly, but there are many errors in the middle and the end. I copy and pasted the output to pastebin:




I wrote you a long answer but for some reason it was not posted. I'm currently on vacation until the first week of February so right now I can't help you much. When I get back to work I will check those error and get back to you with more information.

Note that the two main errors were that for some reason the MySQL server stopped responding (this might be due to the script or some other externals reason) and that the script exceeded the maximum memory limit (so you might try to extend this limit if this is allowed by your server).