XML file does not validate against the Mediawiki XML schema
When I try to import a mediawiki xml file using Tiki Importer(exported using dumpBackup.php), I receive the following error message:
"XML file does not validate against the Mediawiki XML schema"
The first time I received the error, I had imported the xml file from mediawiki 1.16 into tiki 6.1. After reading this post: https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=38686&topics_offset=3&topics_sort_mode=lastPost_desc&forumId=20 I tried importing a mediawiki xml file from a backup of mediawiki 1.15. I received the same error. I also tried importing both the mediawiki 1.15 and 1.16 files into tiki trunk and received the same error.
From what I understand Tiki 6.1 uses XML file version 0.3 while mediawiki 1.16 uses XML file version 0.4. That would make sense why I received the error. However, mediawiki uses the XML file version 0.3, so I shouldn't receive this error right? I understand that the Tiki Importer was designed for mediawiki 1.14 but I know you guys were working on this. I saw this post earlier today:
any luck so far?
I would help but I've only begun my beginner's php class and I'm only getting my feet wet with some basic functions.