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Architecture / Installation

upload image problem

posts: 61

have an old instalation tiki wiki 1.9.10 which works fine for more than 7 years 😊

but now i have an upload problem.

when i look into the tiki-upload_image.php i see the loop 3 to 8 for the image files.

to see what happens i added this:

$smarty->assign('msg', 'XXX:'.$_FILES'userfile3''tmp_name'. ' === '.filesize($_FILES'userfile3''tmp_name'));

the output is this:
XXX:/.vsvar/tmp/phpqMrVTV === 0

so the file size is 0 which is not what i want. but interesting is the tmp_name
which i did not expect. can this be a correct upload dir?
and where is this upload dir created?


posts: 61

drilling down i see this in the initlib.php:

function tempdir() {
static $tempdir;
if (!$tempdir) {
$tempfile = tempnam(false,'');
$tempdir = dirname($tempfile);
return $tempdir;

could it bee that tempnam is changed??

posts: 1644 Canada

heh 1.9.10! Vintage!

Maybe your hosting company made a change?

Can I interest you in doing a test upgrade to Tiki6 LTS? 😊