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Features / Usability

Module wiki_last_comments won't show comments

posts: 25 Germany


in our installation of Tiki 7.1 (migrated from 6.3 via 7.0), the module wiki_last_comments refuses to show comments to anonymous visitors, although the comments in question are displayed below the respective wiki page.

For an example, please visit

Here, module_30 in the left column is wiki_last_comments (»Jüngste Seiten-Kommentare«) which should show the comment visible right below the wiki-page contents.

The module is setup to be visible to anonymous visitors who also have the proper permission to read the wiki comments (which is obvious from the fact that the comment is displayed on the page linked above).

(The module behaves right when visitors to the website are loged in.)

Any ideas?

– jp

posts: 25 Germany
The issue persists after updating Tiki from 7.1 to 7.2