Re: Re: Re: w2k install issue
> Harlequin:
> Thanks for the reply. I have just d/l your latest ver 1.7.5 and I still get a blank page.
> I have upped the memory limit to 16M from 8M as well
> I have recently had a few other cms installed and know my apache, php, mysql install is good. Tho I have removed them at this point.
> as for php cache, unless its on or installed by default I have none.
> any help appreciated.
Ah! I did read I think in another forum post or on the InstallTikiTroubleshootingDoc about a temp folder or a tmp folder. Ive only installed once on a windows system 😉
Just out of interest try creating a tmp on the root of C:
I'll try and track down someone who has more Windows experience.......