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Re: Filter Wiki pages by User

posts: 215

Table tiki_history has the history of wiki page updates. It is where the wiki page contributor information comes from. If you have the SQL plugin enabled then you can extract the information:

By Page name
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{SQL(db=>local)} SELECT pageName, version, FROM_UNIXTIME(lastModif) as Date, user FROM tiki_history WHERE pageName = 'pagename' ORDER BY pageName, lastModif {SQL}

The user and lastModif for version 1 of the page is the same as the creator and created columns for the page in the tiki_pages table. And the user and lastModif columns in the tiki_pages table is the same as the user and lastModif of the last entry for that page in the tiki_history table.

By User
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{SQL(db=>local)} SELECT pageName, version, FROM_UNIXTIME(lastModif) as Date, user FROM tiki_history WHERE user = 'user' ORDER BY pageName, lastModif {SQL}

The tiki_history table can get pretty large. Since I am mainly the only person that updates my pages, sometimes I truncate it. But if you do that, you loose the contributor information.

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